Individual Counselling
There are 8 stages we go through from the ending of one relationship to the beginning of another.
I am here to help guide you through this sometimes difficult path.
Breaking up
How to end a relationship with awareness and respect, prioritizing the well-being of all parties involved, including children.
Becoming relationship ready
​Prepare your heart and mind for new connections.
Getting over your ex
Begin the emotional healing process.
Stepping into Dating
How to attract the kind of people you want in your life.
Learning and growing from your relationship
Identify lessons learned about yourself and your relationship patterns, honouring needs, desires, and unresolved issues.
​Progressing a new date
How to move your new relationship into a fulfilling and enriching connection.
​Being happy single
Finding joy, acceptance, and fulfilment in being self-partnered.
Considering a future together
Have a fulfilling relationship based on your personal and mutually shared needs and wants.